Online Class Notes (Li) [S]


carriage: 车厢

mass: 大量的;大规模的;大批的

outbreak: 暴发

eg. The recent virus outbreak resulted in many people getting sick.

review: 评论

curry: 咖喱

what a bargain!:真便宜

excellent value for money: 物超所值

dessert: 甜点

extremely: 非常的

eg. His room is extremely messy.

tasty: delicious

eg. The food here is quite tasty.

tasteless: has no taste 无味道

course: 一道(菜)

eg. I ordered a 3-course meal for lunch.

Speaking exercise

You must show your QR code at the subway to show you healthy. You must also get off at the station that you register. In the news 7 Italian came back to China with the virus. Iran is much bad. This situation showed other country relationship with China.  I think Iran, Italy and Korea is China’s good friend. Other countries think the virus like a cough.


You must show your QR code at the subway station to show that you are healthy. You must also get off at the station that you select on the app. On the news, 7 Italians came back/returned to China with the virus. Iran is much worse. This situation showed us the relationship other countries have with China.  I think Iran, Italy and Korea are China’s good friends/on good terms with China. Other countries think that the virus is like a cough.


dessert – D-zert