Online Class Notes (Li)


controversial: causing disagreement or discussion 引起争议的

eg. a controversial issue/decision/figure/speech

eg. This book is very controversial.

commemorative: made to officially remember someone

eg. a commemorative date/event/statue

eg. Everyone who takes part in the race will get a commemorative medal.

attitude: a feeling or opinion about something or someone, or a way of behaving that is caused by this 心态;看法;态度

eg. He has a very bad attitude towards work.

eg. It’s often very difficult to change people’s attitudes.

swell 肿胀,肿

eg. My grandma’s legs swell during summer.

swollen (adj): 肿大的;膨胀的

eg. Her eyes were so swollen from crying.

eg. Your ankle is badly swollen, you need to rest.


tattoo 师傅 – tattoo artist 

confidential about themselves – confident with themselves

it’s not very hurt anymore – it not very painful anymore/it doesn’t hurt as much anymore