Online Class Notes (Li)


platform: 平台

eg. There are many teaching platforms available online.

forbid – official

prevent – casual

quarantine: a period of time animals or people have to be kept away from others

eg. He spent several days in quarantine when he got off the plane.

incubation period: to keep something in the proper conditions for development 潜伏期

eg. The incubation period for the coronavirus is approximately 10-14 days.

cruise: a large travel ship


I got 3kg more weight – I gained 3 more kilograms 

this 1 point forbid me to apply to universities – this 1 point prevented me from applying to universities

Speaking exercise

As the situation developed, I thought it was bad. I persuaded my friend, he was working in BJ at that time. I persuaded him when he went to SY with me. “You can go back when the situation is better,” I said. The day after we got back, a new policy came out saying that we must be quarantined for 21 days the day after. Nobody was hiring so we played basketball from March to August. My figure at its best during that time.

I got my visa in July and I went to study in August.


As the situation unfolded, I thought it was bad. I persuaded my friend who was working in BJ at that time. I persuaded him to go back to SY with me. “You can go back when the situation gets better,” I said. The day after we got back, a new policy came out saying that we must be quarantined for 21 days from the day after. Nobody was hiring so we played basketball from March to August. My body was at its best shape at that time.

I got my visa in July and I went to study in August.