Online Class Notes (Li)


annual membership – yearly

open-minded – willing to consider new ideas and opinions different to your own

to go with the flow – to accept what people say or do because it is easy

spontaneous – not planned

appease – to satisfy a demand

ex. She expects everyone to appease her and not the other way round.

praise – to say good things about sbd

what bugs me – annoying or bothering

to kill two birds with one stone – to complete two tasks at the same time/to solve two things with one solution

piece of painting

Speaking exercise

He was in Disney the same day as I went there.

He was in Disney the same day as I went there. 

His girlfriend is really into Disneyland so they might go to Disneyland after work.

His girlfriend is really into/a big fan of Disneyland, so they might go to Disneyland after work.

Actually, it’s the SH government they invest 50% and US Disney invested 50%

Actually, it’s the SH government they invested 50% and US Disney also invested 50%

It’s my 5 years anniversary for work.

It’s my 5th anniversary/5th year working in this company. 

I can get pregnant and having baby.

I can get pregnant and have a baby.

I kinda get into an argument with her.

I kinda got into an argument with her.

The members of our WeChat group

She is not a person who is easy to get along with

She is not somebody/someone who is easy to get along with