Online Class Notes (Li)


ride: a machine that you see at amusement parks

eg. What is your favourite ride at Disneyland?

eg. I think some children’s rides are fun.


the – singular/plural (specific)

The best ride in Disneyland.

She is the best dancer in her class.

I have been to Disneyland – you have gone/talking about general experiences/time period is not specific

Writing exercise

hahaha~~you know the dumbo? – hahaha~~you know Dumbo?

dumbo was necessary – dumbo is a must! 

i haven’t been to tokyo disneyland ,but i also went to univsal in osaka – I haven’t been to Tokyo Disneyland, but I have been to Universal Studios in Osaka

yes japan universal the famous is harry potter – Yes, the most famous/popular ride at Universal Studios in Japan is Harry Potter