Online Class Notes (Li)


8:05 – eight-oh-five/five-past-eight

out of battery: no more power in your phone

eg. My phone is out of battery so I didn’t get your message.

upload: 上传

eg. You can upload the pictures you take from your phone to different apps.

SIM card: phone card

backup: to make a copy of information that is stored elsewhere 备份

eg. After my old laptop broke, I have since gotten used to making regular backups.

white-collar: 白领的

eg. white-collar workers


I can return message – I can reply to messages

I like the big bag because I used to lot of things – I like big bags because I have a lot of things

I worry about break the phone – I am worried that I will break the phone

this is my first to the restaurant – this is my first time to go to/try the restaurant 

pig blong – pig brain