Online Class Notes (Li)


Write a paragraph about what you would like to do during your holiday.


get together: 聚会,相聚

eg Shall we get together on Friday and go for a drink or something?

get together (2): to start a romantic relationship with 开始谈恋爱,开始交往

eg. They got together last month.

sibling: a brother or sister

eg. Sandra has 2 brothers.

eg. Do you have any siblings?

I will go back/head back/travel back


I feel my English have a little progress – I feel my English has improved a little/has progressed a bit 

Yes I have practice every day, like write English email but a few to speak – Yes, I have opportunities to practise every day to write emails, but few opportunities to speak  

some local food such as stew food – some local food such as stews/like stews 

I am not good at play games – I am not good at playing games

because our gather time is short – because our time together/our get together is short