Online Class Notes (Li)


Q&A: question and answer

eg. Q&A session/meeting

QR code: 二维码

eg. You can scan the QR code to add him on WeChat.

anonymous: made or done by someone whose name is not known to the public 匿名的

eg. An anonymous caller tipped the police off about the bomber.

eg. My aunt received an anonymous letter this morning.

tech-savvy: knowing a lot about technology

eg. These new online systems are great for tech-savvy workers.

pick up my package/take my package

device: an object or machine that has been invented for a special purpose 装置

eg. There is a listening device hidden in this pen.

eg. A mouse is a device that makes it easier to select different options from computer menus.


at the end of the year/month/day

we using the system – we use a system

he need to wear the face mask – he needed to/must wear a face mask

better quality mask have more levels – better quality masks have more layers 

they thought it’s an accept level – they thought that it’s at an acceptable level


anonymous – a-naw-nee-mous

mask – mass-k