Online Class Notes (Joe)


Practice the pronunciation of the words ‘abroad’ and ‘aboard’. Make sentences and say the words out loud to help you remember them.


fetus – fee tis
conception – kon sep shin
point (focus on the /oi/ sound)


I almost forgot all the facts
I forgot almost all the facts

my knowledge is probably 10 year old
my knowledge is probably 10 years old (correct)
my knowledge is probably quite dated (more natural)

they should choose whether or not to have baby
they should choose whether or not to have a baby

get people back up
get people’s backs up


probable / possible + highly / entirely
the words ‘highly’ and ‘probable’ are collocated.
the words ‘entirely’ and ‘possible’ are collocated.
When words are collocated, it means that native speakers usually say these words together.