Online Class Notes (Joe) (s)

Today we focused on:

Today we talked about life since the outbreak of the virus. We practiced using some natural expressions (e.g. stand/stick out like a sore thumb)


How are you? – Now
You can say how you are feeling now.

How have you been? – Since the last time we talked
You can talk about your feelings from our previous meeting until now OR just talk about your recent feelings

It’s a good chance to connect some friends
It’s a good chance to contact some friends
It’s a good chance to connect with some friends

I used an alternative to connect some people
I used an alternative to connect with some people
I used an alternative to contact some people

There have a lot of people who don’t have symptoms
There are a lot of people who don’t have symptoms
There are a lot of people who haven’t had symptoms


Consequently – the result is
I’m so tired and consequently I didn’t cook

Someone [Stick/Sticks/Stuck] out like a sore thumb – someone is clearly different
She sticks out like a sore thumb because she is dressed in traditional Chinese clothes

Symptoms – the way to see your illness
I have no symptoms of the virus


March 1 – You can write March 1, but when we speak we always say ‘first’.