Online Class Notes (JJ)

Speaking exercise

I practice so less. —> I practice so little/I spend very little time practicing.

she’s four years little than me —> she’s four years younger than me.

第二重要的 —> the second most important …


constitute: include

rehearse: 排练

hunch: when you have a feeling about something but you don’t have any proof

grateful: 感恩的

Ex: I am grateful for many things in life, including my health and my career.

Nami is grateful for the close bond she has with her mom and sister even though they don’t live in the

same city.

knowledgeable: 有知识的,知识渊博的

nuclear family: 自己的小家庭

affection: 好感,爱慕

easygoing: 好相处的

understanding: 善解人意的

approachable: 容易接近的

quirky: 有点奇怪的可爱

determined: 坚决的