Online Class Notes (Jesse) [W / S]


Write a story by looking at the pictures and use the words below. Use “and, but, so, because” at least 1 in each sentence.

Writing exercise

At night Mr bean was watching a scary movie in the living room. and he was sitting on the soft couch eating the scrumptious and sweety popcorn. Suddenly his teeth hurt badly so he went to the bathroom and pushed his back and forth. Then he went to the kitchen and put the salt in the water then mixed it with the whisk then he rinsed his mouth. It didn’t work therefore he opened the fridge and used the fork to try to melt one piece of the ice. However, the ice was too hard to break the fork. So he use his hand to pull out the ice and put it on his chin.

At night Mr bean was watching a scary movie in the living room. and he was sitting on the soft couch eating the scrumptious and sweet popcorn. Suddenly his teeth hurt badly so he went to the bathroom and pushed his back and forth. Then he went to the kitchen and put the salt in the water then mixed it with the whisk then he rinsed his mouth. It didn’t work therefore he opened the fridge and used the fork to try to melt one piece of the ice. However, the ice was too hard so it broke fork / so the fork broke. So he used his hand to pull out the ice and put it on his chin.

Speaking exercise

the ice melt into fish, in the bedtime when sleeping. He feels angry because it is a fish, not an ice. Mr Bean was in the kitchen sitting on the chair eating the toast, and it hurt because it is too hard and yesterday he was eating popcorn and his tooth broke. I think he is try to pull his teeth out.

the ice melts and a fish comes out after bedtime when he is sleeping. He feels angry because there is a fish, not a piece of ice. Mr Bean was in the kitchen sitting on the chair eating the toast, and it hurt because it is too hard and yesterday he was eating popcorn and his tooth broke. I think he is trying to pull his tooth out.


melt – ice becomes water
eg. the ice melts and a fish comes out!

toast / toaster – a machine that bakes bread and makes it into toast
eg. I love to eat toast in the morning for breakfast

break / broke / broken
eg. the fork breaks because the ice is too hard!
eg2. the fork is broken so Mr Bean uses his hands to take the ice out.
eg3. Mr Bean broke the fork!

because – why
so – result
but – different
and – continue

It is hot so I want to go swimming
Tomorrow I need to go to school but my little sister won’t go to school
You like the lion but I don’t like it
I like the lion because it is cute
I like cats and Jesse likes cats too!