Online Class Notes (Jesse) [W]


unsatisfied – dissatisfied
eg. I am craving pizza but it was unsatisfied / unfulfilled because the pizza was too small.
eg.2 I’m dissatisfied with the size of the pizza. = unhappy

my urge / craving hasn’t been fulfilled

social circle – your social group
eg. he’s in my social circle

split the bill / pay for ourselves
eg. we just paid for ourselves

love at first sight – to fall in love with someone as soon as you see them
eg. when i met him it was love at first sight

as soon as i laid eyes on him / as soon as i saw him
eg. I knew he wasn’t for me the moment I laid eyes on him

his photo is different from the way he looks in person – in reality / face to face

pretty boy / girlie
eg. he’s a pretty boy (like a kpop guy)

that’s a frequent case that’s common

your relationship would be an affair – extramarrital / out of marriage / adultry

hassle – annoying / difficult
eg. it’s a hassle

to carry on your family name / to continue your blood / pass on your family name

your biological clock is ticking – getting older etc

eavesdropping – to secretly listen to a private conversation
eg. he was eavesdropping on our conversation


when i walked in the cafewhen I walked into the cafe / arrived at the cafe

she follow uped meshe followed up with me / she asked a follow up question 

in last weekend last weekend / during last weeked

before engaging with youbefore you get engaged / before you get engaged 


full – short and sharp
fool – long and ooowoo

queue – “que”

Writing exercise

1. The conversation that I had with Ben was intellectually stimulating.

2. Is there any resources that you’d like to give someone to gain an insight into how to become a great leader?

3. I can’t stand guys who are always on high horses.

4. People aren’t born good attributes, but they are shaped by the society.

5. He’s born rich, but he is empty inside.

1. The conversation that I had with Ben was intellectually stimulating.

2. Are there any resources that you’d like to give someone in order to gain an insight into becoming a great leader?

3. I can’t stand guys who are always on their high-horses / who can’t get off their high horses.

4. People aren’t born with good attributes, but they are shaped by the society. / people don’t have good attiributes by default … 

5. He was born rich, but he is empty inside.