Online Class Notes (Jesse) [W]

Writing exercise

Human health includes two parts–phsical health and mental helath. WHO define healthy man as one who has an integral state, both physically and mentally, and well social adaptive capacity.

Many people ignore mental health in our country, which has a negative effect on improving human healthy levels and medical treatment. With the advent of 21st cenury, people pay more and more attention to physical health and longevity. Many health care specialists suggest that sub health condition, as a “third state†between health and disease, pose great threat to human health and longevity. The rapid economic development, intensely competitive society, fast pace of life are all contributed to the growing population of sub-health condition. The potential risks of exhaustion syndrome should not be ignored, which tend to trigger some common chronic diseases such as hypertension, cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases and tumors.

For now, there is not specific treatment for sub health condition. Thus, self-regulation plays an important role. Firstly, keep relaxed for study, working and life and don’t impose much pressure if possible. Secondly, choose proper diet and eat healthy. Last but not least, sleep well. Keeping early hours restores us physically and mentally.

Human health includes two parts–physical health and mental health. WHO define a healthy person as one who has an integral state, both physically and mentally, and social adaptability.

Many people ignore mental health in our country, which is detrimental to improving / progressing human health condition and medical treatment / human health levels and medical treatment. With the advent of the 21st century, people began to attach a greater importance to both physical health and longevity. Many health care professionals suggest that a sub-health condition, the “third state†between healthiness and illness, poses a great threat to human health and longevity. The rapid economic development, intensely competitive society, and fast pace of life are all contributing to the growing population of the sub-health condition / to the growing percentage of the population classified as “sub-health”. The potential risks of exhaustion syndrome should not be ignored, which tend to trigger some common chronic diseases such as hypertension, cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, as well as tumors.

For now, there are no particular treatments for the sub health condition. Thus, self-regulation plays an important role. Firstly, ensure a relaxed state, without stress during studies, work and life and avoid pressure if at all possible. Secondly, choose a proper diet and eat healthily. Last but not least, ensure a good night’s rest as keeping regular hours, and going to bed at a reasonable hour, restores us both physically and mentally.


consequence / repercussion / detrimental effect 

abort / have an abortion 

PTSD – post traumatic syndrome disease

orthopedist – bone doctor 

trisomy 13 


my classmate all department has i have classmates who majored in all departments of medicines / from all departments of medicineÂ