Profile Update Class (Jesse) [W]

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Next update May 2020


expense (n) / expensive (adj)


there’s not enough time there wasn’t enough time 

in my business travelduring my business trip / I was on a business trip 

finger food – canapés


reykjavik – ray ka vick 

recipe – re sep pee
receipt – re seet

Writing exercise

I am keen on cooking while I don’t have too much time to cook on the weekdays. So usually I will cook at weekends. Last week, I tried a new appetizer recipe as my afternoon tea canapés which was tasty. After that, I started to read a book about the race and geography, which introduces the difference between Latino and Hispanics and the Nordic countries like Denmark, Finland, Norway. It was so nice to lie on the sofa at my cozy living room to learn some new knowledges. Then I took a stroll with my parents in our neighborhood. What a wonderful weekend!

I am keen on cooking while I don’t have too much time to cook on the weekdays, so usually I will cook at weekends / on weekends. Last week, I tried a new appetizer recipe as my afternoon tea canapés which was tasty. After that, I started to read a book about the race and geography, which introduces the difference between Latino and Hispanics and the Nordic countries like Denmark, Finland, and Norway. It was so nice to lie on the sofa in my cozy living room to learn something new. Then I took a stroll with my parents in our neighborhood. What a wonderful weekend!