Online Class Notes (Jesse) [W]


surgery – shou shu

contacts / contact lenses – yan jing (inside)
eg. i dropped my contacts

go under water < > swim on top of the water

take time off – choose to take some time to not work
eg. I didn’t take any time off after getting surgery
eg2. I will take a day off next week

fever – fa shao

mask – kou zhao

recommend – tui jian

courage / to be brave


island – “eye land”

private – “preye vet”


we play the water – play in the water

take care my sontake care of my son 

Writing exercise

I went to hospital to corrected my eyes last week and I felt was really hurt. But I insisted on did it.
Recently, my friend asked me how I felt when I finished my eyes.I felt I am back in my childhood and I felt really free.
I went to a private hospital which was also introduced by my friend. I watched a video and I started to feel a little scared, but at that time the money had been paid. I could only tell myself that you could.

I went to hospital to correct my eyes last week and I felt was really hurt. But I insisted on doing it.
Recently, my friend asked me how I felt when I finished my eyes.I felt I was back in my childhood and I felt really free.
I went to a private hospital which was also introduced by my friend. I watched a video and I started to feel a little scared, but at that time the money had been paid. I could only tell myself that I could / myself “you can do it!”.