Online Class Notes (Jesse) [W]


i will cook something what i like – I will cook what I want / I will cook something that I want

I have a student who is named Didi
I have a cup which is red

what = the thing that
eg. I will cook the thing that I want.
eg2. I will cook what I want

what = a thing / something


flight tickets – flights / plane tickets 

respect – zun zhong

chicken poop / poo 

poop < > pee 

dung (big animals)
droppings (small animals)

mate – to make babies
sex – humans and maybe monkeys

cycle – a process of going around
circle – the shape

sustainable – sth you’re able to continue
eg. having class twice a week is more sustainable than every day

sustain (middle) / insist (positive) / persist (strong)

You can’t smoke here = You’re not allowed to smoke = permitted to / have permission
You can’t fly = You don’t have the ability to fly = able to / have the ability

I am able to
I was able to
I will be able to
I have been able to


nature – nay chur

client – clai yent

Writing exercise

I’m going to take Permaculture Design course. It seems like a science. you can learn how to grow organic vegetables, how to be friendly to nature and yourself, and make everything get a connection as a good circle.

I’m going to take a Permaculture Design course which seems like a science. You can learn how to grow organic vegetables, how to be friendly to / how to respect nature and yourself, and live sustainably.