Online Class Notes (Jesse) [W]



you’re on fire – you keep having successes / amazing wins

it’s really really good / it’s amazingly / incredibly / super good

poor form – really bad / inappropriate / unprofessional

eldest / 2nd eldest 

he has a crush on her

she rejects him

he friend-zoned her – you’re just a friend

we’re beyond that / we’re too mature for that

bragging / boasting – always talking about your good points / strengths
eg. he was bragging about how rich he was

they helped a lot – they gave me a big hand 

projections / prediction – a guess of the future based on the past results
eg. we have sold 2 products today, and our projection for the end of the week is 10


share with you all the information – share all the information with you

i envy people take care their emotion I envy people who are able to follow their hearts 

there are 4 girls of this girl’s familythere are 4 girls in the family 

i don’t quite really know – I don’t quite know / I don’t really know

at the last mondaylast monday 

Originally the revenue was 10.
My revenue increased from 10 yuan to 50 yuan.
My revenue increased to 50 yuan
MY revenue increased by 40 yuan.
My revenue increased by 40 yuan to 50 yuan.

Writing exercise

Beauty industry strongly started the game: 21th Oct was the first day of D11’s first period on TMALL, beauty industry achieved 56% of total industries on TMALL, also got 107% growth in term of sales value which compared with last year, which the growth was also ahead of all industries.
37 brands closed their first day by 100 million sales value, ELC and loreal group ranked No.1 and No.2 of the 37 brands.

The beauty industry started strongly: 21st Oct was the first day of D11’s first period on TMALL, with the beauty industry achieving 56% of total sales out of all industries on TMALL, also growing 107% in terms of sales value which compared with last year. This growth was also ahead of all industries.
37 brands closed their first day at over 100 million in sales value, ELC and loreal group ranked No.1 and No.2 of the 37 brands.