Online Class Notes (Jesse) [W]


I will keep you updated (adj) – to give the latest information
I updated her on the initiative (v)  – to give the latest information

they might lose the opportunity to get / miss the top talent

the cost has already been accrued – it has become more and more

the peak shopping season is coming / we are about to enter the peak shopping season of the year 

he segmented us into groups – he separated / divided / put us into groups

they will backstab you / people backstab each other / the will stab you in the back 

protests – people going on the street and marching against sth
eg. there are many protests in the US

“in 2020 the US is one of the worst places you could be”

they make my skin crawl – yuck! make me feel sick / make me feel horrible

he can’t handle the sound it makes 

visceral – a very strong emotional and physical reaction

learnings – take aways (things you can learn)
eg. we will discuss if there are any take aways from the experience

“the way you’re acting is a reflection of your personality / mood”

what’s the probability of being hired successfully by google?

come back to bite you – result in something negative coming to you
eg. eventually it will come back to bite you


so many stuffso much stuff 

move on my friend’s applicationmove forward with my friend’s application

it’s the most stupid interview process I have ever been through

you have to speak as more of key words as you canyou have to say as many key words as you can 

we discussed about the competition – we discussed the competition

Writing exercise

1.Hold on, what was I trying to say? Let me get my thoughts together.
2. I fight for my own rights, I don’t care if people are judgemental, if I have to piss somebody off.
3.Nothing is small fry (nothing too small)
4.People might utilize your kindness to go against you.
5.People receive less education hang up on me.
6.I hate loud eaters, eating quietly is a common courtesy.

1.Hold on, what was I trying to say? Let me get my thoughts together.
2. I fight for my own rights, I don’t care, if people are going to be judgemental, then maybe I have to piss somebody off.
3.Nothing is small fry (nothing too small) / Trump doesn’t care about small states because they don’t have enough people to really make a difference to the election, so they’re just small fry to him. 
4.People might utilize your kindness to go against you. / People might use your kindness against you / People might take advantage of your kindness 
5.People who have received less education hang up on me. / less educated people are the ones who tend to hang up on me / Less educated people are more often than not the ones who end up hanging up on me
6.I hate loud eaters, eating quietly is a common courtesy / I hate loud eaters – you should have the common decency to eat quietly. 

I generally go to Starbucks in the morning = I, more often than not, go to Starbucks in the morning.