Online Class Notes (Jesse) [W]

Writing exercise

Dear Mary and Richard,

Firstly, I just wanted to say I’m sorry to hear that the Yoga Workshop is closing, I was really sad to hear this news. Honestly – that place was where I grew up, and had a lot of sweet memories. I really hope it won’t take too long for Tai to find another suitable place for everyone.

So, just to update you on the Space Cycle situation – recently I spoke to Sophia (ex-GM who left Space Cycle last month) and she told me that Robyn was thinking that I might not be famous enough to fit their program, however, she didn’t respond to me in a professional way but rather just left me hanging with no reply.

Last month when Sophia approached me to help to get more students for your workshop, they had only had 20 or so students which tells me that it’s possible they haven’t been doing their targeted marketing particularly well of late. Anyway, I’m really excited about your coming and I’m really keen on practicing with you – and I miss yours and Richard’s teaching a lot, so if you need any help or support, please know that I’m always here for you both.

In terms of the course – I’d love to assist for at least the morning session and then perhaps wait and see about the afternoon class. If you’re all good for assistants for that part, I’d be keen to take the course with the other students, if there’s room for me.

PS. Yes you’re right, the weather was pretty hairy, but we got through it! It was actually quite fun for me haha. Also, please send my best to Gabe – Looking forward to catching up with him down the track.

20 odd / or so / ish 

Dear Heidi,Lovely to hear from you. How did it go in Boulder? You were there for some pretty intense weather from what we heard.We are home from Manila it was so nice to teach there. Gabe is now here with us for a few weeks until we come to China. We’re looking forward to coming to Beijing and Shanghai and to seeing you too. What exactly happened with SPACE? I thought they promoted your teaching (looked like it from the poster they made and from what the staff was saying). Too bad you don’t connect to them. Tell me what went wrong. But glad you found Y-Plus. Maybe that’s a better fit for you.Thanks for encouraging students to come to study with us. Would you rather assist or take the course? Let me know and then I’ll check in with Robyn.Sending love,Mary