Online Class Notes (Jesse) [W]


mention – to tell some small detail
notify – to tell some information / update / news

rabbit hole – you fall down and down and down and get trapped watching videos
eg. Youtube is like a rabbit hole

look some videos – watch some videos

veg out – “vej out” – to totally relax and do nothing at home
eg. I just want to veg out all weekend

more beforefurther in advance
eg. they try to put their products on the platform further in advance

i would like to say – I guess / as far as I know / from what I can tell / from what I’ve been able to figure out 

cut throat – a very competitive situation where “if you are not the best, YOU’RE DEAD / OUT”
eg. the gao kao is very cut throat

when she dead – when she passed away 

before we come into a couplebecame a couple


too busy with work

3 years ago when i just work in this industry – 3 years ago when I just started working in this industry

Writing exercise

I have a best friend who can always say something simultaneously, I think that is unison of us. There is a proverb in China is saying, the friendship between gentleman appears indifferent but is pure and peace like water, I couldn’t agree more. The first step to be a quality friend is to respect the difference from others and keep some distances. If people always want to be passive aggressive to friend just because of the difference, they will never be a good friend. I am always open and positive to treat people, but when it comes to friendship, I will prefer people who has the same thoughts of friendship as me.

I have a best friend and we often say the same thing simultaneously, in unison. There is a proverb in China which says, the friendship between gentleman respects the differences between them but is pure and peaceful like water, and I couldn’t agree more. The first step to be a quality friend is to respect the differences of others and to keep some distance. If people always want to be passive aggressive to friends just because of the differences, they will never be a good friends. I am always open and positive in the way I treat people, but when it comes to friendship, I will prefer a friend who has the same thoughts of friendship as me.