Online Class Notes (Jesse) [W]


Maybe you could write about when you were younger, and think about how your friends were compared to you – this could allow you to use some of the vocabulary from today.


I had to step up – to be courageous and take on some challenge

she’s working in admin / she’s got an admin job 

nervous – the scared / uncomfortable feeling before a big event / difficult experience
eg. I was realy nervous before the speech
pressure – ya li

unstable – because she’s a contractor
– because her job isn’t good enough / she thinks she’s not very good

menial tasks – boring and repetitive
eg. admin work involves a lot of menial tasks

he’s trying to pick a fight – trying to have a fight with me

crikey mate = omg / christ / jesus

in the middle of the night / at the crack of dawn / in the dead of night
eg. the agency called me in the dead of night

i’m a bit distant / i don’t want to be so buddy-buddy (so close to them)

it takes me a while to warm (v) / to open up to people

when you first join a company you should observe the dynamic of the company

a young girl = 5-10 years old (Lulu)
a young lady = 12-18 years old
a young woman = 18 – 35

I have the most expertise 


he’s trying to blame on me he’s trying to blame me / he’s trying to blame that on me / he’s putting the blame on me 

at afternoonin the afternoon

we are only 3 people here – there are only 3 of us here / it’s just the 3 of us here 

Writing exercise

Sometimes I was thinking about why I am more mature than others. As a young girl I always can find some girls who are at the same age as me look more outgoing, I am the one who always listening and keeping clam, so maybe that’s the reason of my maturity. It’s really annoying to get along with the people who has a big headed, as they always give others an arrogant vibe. I will never be like that.

Sometimes I think (now) / I used to sometimes think (past) about why I am more mature than others. As a young girl I can always see / meet some girls who are (at) the same age as me and look more outgoing. I am the one who always (is listening) listens and keeps clam, so maybe that’s the reason for my maturity. It’s really annoying to get along with the people who have big heads / who are big headed, as they always give others an arrogant vibe. I will never be like that.