Online Class Notes (Jesse) [W]


fish and chips – a common meal in Australia to eat at the beach

hallway / hall / corridor – the long room you walk down, between rooms which connects rooms
eg. Jenny had class in the hall

nutritious / nutrition
eg. fish is more nutritious than chicken / nutrition is really important for overall health

prolong life / extend life

blood transfusion – to get more blood through a IV

palliative care – a type of care for people at the end stage of treatment (before death)
eg. my grandpa entered palliative care for 3 days

in and out of consciousness
eg. during the final moments of his life he was in and out of consciousness

sedate (v) / sedation (n)
eg. we sedate patients before surgery

bossy – sb who loves to tell people what to do
eg. my student leader is really bossy


they blame to youthey blame you 

Writing exercise


现代医è¯å­¦è®¤ä¸ºï¼Œè¯ç‰©å¤§å¤šèƒ½äº§ç”Ÿä¸¤ç§æ•ˆåº”,å³ç”Ÿç†ä½œç”¨å’Œå¿ƒç†ä½œç”¨ã€‚è¯ç‰©é€šè¿‡å…¶è¯ç†ä½œç”¨æ¥è¾¾åˆ°æ²»ç—…的目的,此为生ç†ä½œç”¨ï¼›è¯ç‰©ä½¿ç—…人在心ç†ä¸Šäº§ç”Ÿè‰¯å¥½çš„感觉,加速病人的康å¤ï¼Œæ­¤ä¸ºå¿ƒç†æ•ˆåº”。è¯ç‰©å¿ƒç†å­¦æ˜¯å»ºç«‹åœ¨è¯ç‰©å¿ƒç†æ•ˆåº”基础之上的一门新兴边缘学科。它æ­ç¤ºäº†å®‰æ…°å‰‚止痛和心ç†å®‰æ…°çš„奥秘。与æœè¯å…³ç³»æœ€ä¸ºå¯†åˆ‡çš„是è¯ç‰©çš„信誉。有研究表明,虔诚的信念和愉快的心情能影å“人体的生ç†æœºèƒ½ï¼Œå¢žåŠ è‚¾ä¸Šè…ºçš®è´¨æ¿€ç´ çš„分泌,而适é‡çš„肾上腺素能ç»å—200~400å€è‡´æ­»é‡çš„细èŒå†…毒素。此外,è¯ç‰©å¿ƒç†å­¦å¯¹æŸäº›äººç¾¤ï¼ˆç‰¹åˆ«æ˜¯ç¥žç»è´¨ï¼Œæ„志薄弱,心ç†ç¼ºé™·å’Œæ˜“å—暗示的人)的作用尤为明显。安慰剂通过心ç†æš—示作用刺激大脑产生内æºæ€§è„‘啡肽,其结构类似天然å—啡,作用于疼痛部ä½ï¼Œä»Žè€Œæœ‰æ•ˆåœ°å‡è½»ç–¼ç—›ã€‚因此,我们è¦å……分é‡è§†è¯ç‰©å¿ƒç†å­¦è¿™é—¨æ–°å…´å­¦ç§‘,从而使è¯ç‰©æ²»ç–—达到最佳疗效。

Modern pharmacology believes that drugs have 2 mechanisms of effect with the first being a physiological effect, and the other being a psychological one. The physiological effect is that drugs cure patients by pharmacological action. The psychological effect is the way in which a drug’s effectiveness is improved as a result of the patient feeling more positively after taking the drug which in turn accellerates the healing process.  Pharmacopsychology is a new marginal subject based on a combination of pharmacology and psychology. It reveals how placebos are able to both relieve pain, and lead to emotional comfort. A drug’s prestige has the biggest impact on pharmacopsychology as pious belief and positive mood can affect the body’s physiological function and increase the secretion of adrenaline. There is a study which suggests that a certain amount of adrenaline can assist in combating 200-400 times more deadly bacteria endotoxin.  Furthermore, the pharmacopsychological effect is more obvious in certain people such as those that are particularly nervous, weak minded, mentally deficient, or people who are highly suggestable. Placebos stimulate our brain to produce more endogenous enkephalin which is similar in chemical structure to natural morphene, and can act on a specific location to relieve pain. Therefore, we must pay attention to this emerging subject to achieve the best results.



Modern pharmacology believes that drugs have 2 mechanisms of effect with the first being a physiological effect, and the other being a psychological one. The physiological effect is that drugs cure patients by pharmacological action. The psychological effect is the way in which a drugs effectiveness is improved as a result of the patient feeling more positively after taking the drug which in turn accellerates the healing process.


Pharmacopsychology is a new marginal subject based on a combination of pharmacology and psychology. It reveals how placebos are able to both relieve pain, and lead to emotional comfort.

与æœè¯å…³ç³»æœ€ä¸ºå¯†åˆ‡çš„是è¯ç‰©çš„信誉。有研究表明,虔诚的信念和愉快的心情能影å“人体的生ç†æœºèƒ½ï¼Œå¢žåŠ è‚¾ä¸Šè…ºçš®è´¨æ¿€ç´ çš„分泌,而适é‡çš„肾上腺素能ç»å—200~400å€è‡´æ­»é‡çš„细èŒå†…毒素。

A drug’s prestige has the biggest impact on pharmacopsychology as pious belief and positive mood can affect the body’s physiological function and increase the secretion of adrenaline. There is a study which suggests that a certain amount of adrenaline can assist in combating 200-400 times more deadly bacteria endotoxin.


Furthermore, the pharmacopsychological effect is more obvious in certain people such as those that are particularly nervous, weak minded, mentally deficient, or people who are highly suggestable. Placebos stimulate our brain to produce more endogenous enkephalin which is similar in chemical structure to natural morphene, and can act on a specific location to relieve pain.


Therefore, we must pay attention to this emerging subject to achieve the best results.