Online Class Notes (Jesse) [W]


Write what you did today and remember: SVO + prep + prep, CONJUNCTION + SVO + prep + prep etc… just tell me simple things, what time did you wake up, and then what did you do?


I am boring – I make other people bored
I am bored – I feel bored
The weekend is boring – it makes me feel bored

I read a book – I read the book


not too bad / it’s OK – hai hao

conjunction – lian ci – and / but / so / because / when / if – put ideas together (short sentences)
preposition –
jie ci – to / for / with / as / at / in / on – add details (nouns and verbs)

I drink coffee and I am home.
I drink coffee at home and I am happy.

familiar – “fam mil yer” – shu xi de
eg. I am familiar with these words

I washed my clothes / I did my laundry

I cooked / I did some cooking

midday – 12 PM – lunch time

I haven’t decided – mei you jue ding

the 3 body problem – the book you’re reading

Writing exercise

I am an intergrated circuit (IC) engineer and work in a foreign company. My job is mainly programmig.My manager will assign me some tasks,and I need to report the progress of my work in the weekly meeting. besides ,I need to write weekly report and send it to all my colleagues in the department by email to let them know about my work,so we can work better together .
sometimes ,I have some meetiings with foregin colleagues ,like American ,Indian. so we discuss work problem in english .but my english is poor ,I ofen don’t understand what they are talking about and I can’t express my idea better. I want to impprove my english to work better.

I am an intergrated circuit (IC) engineer and work in a foreign company. My job is mainly programming. My manager will assign me some tasks / assign some tasks to me, and I need to report the progress of my work in the weekly meeting. Besides this / that, I need to write weekly reports / a weekly report and send it to all my colleagues in the department by email to let them know about my work, so we can work better together.
Sometimes, I have some meetings with foreign colleagues, like American, Indian. so we discuss work problems in english .but my english is poor ,I often don’t understand what they are talking about and I can’t express my idea very well. I want to improve my english to work better.


circuit – “ser keht” / sɜːrkɪt

foreign – “for ren” / “rin”

colleagues = “coll leegz” / kɔli:ɡz