Online Class Notes (Jesse) [W]


i can learn so much thingsmany things / so much 

I grow up in a small villageI grew up 

if we move there since the high school – if we move there from high school
I have lived in SH since 2018


maybe next year i will think the totally different thing – change my mind completely 

primary school / elementary – xiao xue

grow your own personalitydevelop your own personality

uproot – a huge change in your life that causes instability
eg. she was totally uprooted when they found out she was switched at birth

injure – shou shang
eg. my personal trainer helps me to not get injured

Writing exercise

As a beginner, my personal trainer taught me how to use the basic equipment in the Gym last week. I need to have enough exercise to fatigue my muscles but not hard that I struggle to complete a full range of motions.

As a beginner, my personal trainer taught me how to use the basic equipment in the Gym last week. I need to / It’s important that I / It’s critical that I have enough / sufficient / ample / adequate exercise to fatigue my muscles but not so hard that I struggle to complete a full range of motions / not so hard that my muscles fail.

Rowing machine
TRX:total body resistance exercises