Online Class Notes (Jesse) [S]


Focus on making longer sentences using conjunctions. Connect everything. Every sentence should have at least 2 conjunctions. Use “which” to add details if you can.

1. Do you like doing housework?
2. How do you think housework could be made more interesting?


What? – sorry? 

seafood – hai xian


it costs 10 yuan
it takes 10 minutes

I spend 10 yuan
I spend 10 minutes

I’m fear itI’m afraid of it / I’m scared of it 

Speaking exercise

Do you work or are you a student?

I graduated at 2013, I have been working for 7 years, and I changed my job for 3 times, because I like operating or the most reason is more money.

I graduated in 2013, and I have been working for 7 years but I changed my job for 3 times, because I like operating  / surgery or the most important / main reason is more money.

What do you do and why did you choose to do that kind of work?

I work in medical research as a manager and most of my work is with mice so / and I do some tests on mice and maybe it takes 7 days then I will check the results and / after that / following that / afterwards I will tell my boss and the next step is we will change the plan based on / according to the reaction.

My favourite food is fish because people say if you eat more fish you’re more smart so maybe I eat it twice a week.

Say your answer, then say why / use a conjunction (because / so) then give example (when / if) 

I like tea because when im thirsty i think it’s the perfect / best / exact thing that can solve my problem / satisfy me, and it has a lot of taste but my husband doesn’t like it because he likes beer best / the most / he prefers beer but I drink tea maybe 4 bottles a day.

Do you remember your first day at work?

No, I don’t remember because I was preparing for my wedding and I’m too busy so I can’t remember the first day. Maybe I remember the most busy day because I worked from 8 AM to 8PM which was too tiring. So the most thing I remember is that.

What’s (the name of) your hometown (again)?

it located in qian jiang city in / which is a city of hubei province, it’s very famous because the xiao long xia there is very delicious. A lot of people will drive or go there by train every summer so in summer I will bring a lot of xiao long xia to my friends and my parents because all of my friends like it too except it’s very spicy.

Is there anything you dislike about it?
No, but maybe the weather, I don’t like raining / rainy weather because it makes me feel sad and I can’t swim but even though I can’t swim I like playing in the water in the summer. I almost died when I was a child because I can’t / I’m not able to swim but I fell into the river, but now this year I’m planning to learn swimming so that I will not die because of the water.