Online Class Notes (Jesse) [S]


just so so  – just OK / not too bad 

item – thing you can buy / list

estimate – guess
eg. I estimated Elena’s age

whole number – 1, 2, 3, 4
decimal – 1.1 / 2.9

2.5 = 3 (round up)
2.2 = 2 (round down)

total / totally / in total
eg. the total for the items is 5 dollars
eg2. the items cost 5 dollars in total
eg3. I’m totally bored / I’m totally finished

efficient – you xiao de
eg. computers are more efficient than books for finding information

can / couldn’t – past
eg. We couldn’t use computers many years ago because they hadn’t been invented!

break – hard thing has a problem / can’t use it anymore
damage – to hurt sth so it has a problem
eg. the teddy is damaged. the cup is broken.


how it cost – how much it cost 

if our money is enough if we have enough money 

Speaking exercise

he is having a picnic in the park and he saw a place in the sky and one naughty boy is playing with it, and he loves hi teddy bear very much and that boy flew his plane to Mr Bean’s cutie teddy bear, then the teddy bear broke. He went to the toy shop because he want another cutie teddy bear and then he saw an airplane that costs 20 pounds but he take out his wallet and he has no money.

he is having a picnic in the park and he sees / is watching a plane in the sky and a naughty boy is playing with it. Mr Beam loves his teddy bear very much. That boy flies his plane into Mr Bean’s cutie teddy bear, then the teddy bear is damaged / which damages the teddy bear. He goes to the toy shop because he wants another cutie teddy bear and then he sees an airplane that costs 20 pounds but he takes out his wallet and he has no money.