Online Class Notes (Jesse) [S]

Today we focused on:

Spent a lot of time reviewing past classes and using the words he should remember but doesn’t. Clark needs to spend more time reviewing and using vocabulary he has learned in a diary for homework.


What does ___ mean? – zhe ge dan ci shi shenme yi si?
How do you say ____ in English? – zhe ge dan ci zenme shuo?

winter vacation – 寒假

piece – kuai / pian
eg. I like eating a piece of pizza

hit – peng dao / da
eg. I hit a book with my hand

real – zhen de
eg. I see a real elephant


I stayed there for 7 days
I have 1 hour for class / I have class for 1 hour

the – 特定的
a – 1

a apple
an apple

I like you
He likes you

I eat cake
She eats cake

Today is Wednesday
Yesterday was Tuesday
Breakfast was at 8 o’clock.
Breakfast was very good
I ate 10 biscuits
I drank a big bottle of milk

eat / ate
is / was
drink / drank

Speaking exercise

what does real mean?

Mr Bean eats a cake with teddy in the park. Mr Bean feel happy, because Mr Bean can eat a lot of cake. Mr Bean can see a airplane in the sky. It’s very small and not real. Airplane hit Teddy head. It’s head has a problem.

Mr Bean eats a piece of cake with teddy in the park. He feels happy, because he can eat a lot of cake. Mr Bean can see an airplane in the sky. It’s very small and not real. The airplane hits Teddy‘s head. It’s head has a problem.