Online Class Notes (Jesse) [S]


Use some of the vocabulary from today in some writing. Choose a topic that lets you use the words we learned.



plane – ay – pl aaaaeeee n
week – ee – w eeee k
hide – aiii – h aaaiiiii d
smoke – ohhh – sm ooooouuuuu k
news – you – n you zz

koala – “ko ah la”

nature – “nay chur”
nation – “nay shen”
naturally – “na tra lee” 

latte – “lah tay”


cafe – ka fei guan
eg. I’m at a cafe
coffee – ka fei

I got the COVID test

infected – to become sick with some virus / disease
eg. I got infected with COVID

it makes your eyes water

bush fire – fires in Australian forests
eg. they put all the bush fires out

guest – hotel
customer – any business
passenger – any transport

grow up – to get older / mature
raise – parents take care of a kid

grow – to get bigger
raise up – to make sth go higher

we’ll see what happens / let it be / whatever happens is OK with me / let it happen naturally 


it is as good as
it is as bad as
it is as beautiful as
it is the same as
it is not the same as
it is different to

Needs more review

I got = bought / received / found it / become
I have got = I have
eg. I got a new phone / I got married
eg. I have got a car / I have got blue eyes

Speaking exercise

the first city i arrived is haikou city because i was born there. I was raised up in jiangxi province not in hainan province. I just born in HN. I think haikou is a beautiful city with good weather, the temperature here is around 20 degrees. I will fly to sanya on friday and the weather in sanya is as same as that of Australia, it’s around 25, from 25 to 29 degrees. But I haven’t booked hotel in Sanya yet because there are many available hotels to book but I’d like to book some fancy hotel but it’s very expensive. And the price is near 3000 RMB. I’m taking my family to the beach to swim, and sunbathing. I think once in a year is OK

the first city i arrived is haikou city because i was born there. I was raised up / I grew up in jiangxi province not in hainan province. I was just born in HN. I think haikou is a beautiful city with good weather. The temperature here is around 20 degrees. I will fly to sanya on friday and the weather in sanya is the same as that of Australia / Australia and Sanya have a similar climate, it’s usually from 25 to 29 degrees. But I haven’t booked any hotel in Sanya yet because there are many available hotels to book but I’d like to book some fancy hotel but it’s very expensive and the price is near 3000 RMB. I’m taking my family to the beach to swim, and sunbathe. I think once in a year is OK / once every year.