Online Class Notes (Jesse) [S]


What do you do when your iPad has no power? Use some of the words from today. Tell me about a time your ipad had no power and it was very annoying / bad.


no power – mei dian le
eg. My ipad has no power

plug in – chong dian
eg. i plug in my ipad because it has no power

if it is raining outside, we can’t go out to play
when I am sleepy I will be grumpy

crush – to push hard on something and break it
eg. the old lady crushed the bear

turn on
eg. the ipad turns on when you press the button

turn off 
eg. the ipad has no power so it turns off

sleepwalk – to walk while sleeping
eg. the old lady is sleepwalking

I ride a boatI went on a boat

jetski – like a motorbike on the water
eg. I ride a jetski once a year

Speaking exercise

One night, Mr Bean and his teddy bear are sleeping and they wake up and Mr Bean takes the iron and put it on the bed because the bed is not comfortable so he wants to make it comfortable. Mr Bean closed the light but the light is still on so Mr bean close it and tip toe back. When he tip toeing back he hits the iron and it fell down, so the old lady wakes up. The old lady is sleep walking upstairs and go into Mr Bean’s bed, and sleep on the bear but Mr Bean take the bear because the sleep walking grandma was going to crush the bear. 

One night, Mr Bean and his teddy bear were sleeping and they woke up and Mr Bean took the iron and put it on the bed because the bed was not comfortable so he wanted to make it comfortable. Mr Bean turned off the light but the light was still on so Mr Bean turned off it and tip toed back. When he was tip toeing back he hit the iron and it fell down, so the old lady woke up. The old lady was sleep walking upstairs and went into Mr Bean’s bed, and slept on the bear but Mr Bean took the bear because the sleep walking grandma was going to crush the bear.