Online Class Notes (Jesse) [S]

Next Class Focus

3rd person – correct all mistakes while speaking

Finish correcting:

when the man give the ice cream to the girl, mr bean go in front but the man say it is lunch time so he get a comic and get his lunch and he get out of the car, goes to a chair and he eat his lunch. mr bean is looking through the car window and he open the window and i think mr bean will go inside and make one ice cream for him which is very icy and big. 

Speaking exercise

it’s summer and mr bean is very hot. then he see a ice cream truck. he see a boy, he is going to buy. mr bean wants one too so he go first, and he choose one ice cream. then the man helps him make a ice cream, then he gave the ice cream. mr bean want to get but the man said you need to give me money, then mr bean is very sad. he thinks he dont have money so he can’t buy ice cream. i think mr bean will go back home to find money, when he come back maybe have a lot of people in queuing up but mr bean is last. Or the ice cream truck already go away. he go back and he wave to the man. the man will say queue up in the line. he feels a little bit angry and a little bit sad as he cannot have a ice cream. when the man give the ice cream to the girl, mr bean go in front but the man say it is lunch time so he get a comic and get his lunch and he get out of the car, goes to a chair and he eat his lunch. mr bean is looking through the car window and he open the window and i think mr bean will go inside and make one ice cream for him which is very icy and big.

It is summer and mr bean is very hot. Then he sees an ice cream truck. he sees a boy, he is going to buy an icecream. mr bean wants one too so he goes first, and he chooses one ice cream. then the man helps him make an ice cream, then he gives the ice cream to Mr Bean. Mr bean wants to get it however the man says you need to give me money / pay me, then mr bean is very sad. he thinks he doesn’t have any money so he can’t buy any ice cream. i think mr bean will go back home to find some money, when he comes back maybe there will be a lot of people in queuing up but mr bean is last. Or the ice cream truck will already have gone away. he goes back and he waves to the man. the man will say “queue up in the line”. he feels a little bit angry and a little bit sad as he cannot have an ice cream.

impatient – bu nai xin

pay – give money

I don’t have money – I don’t have any money

I can do 
you can do
he can do
she can do