Online Class Notes (Jesse) [R / S]


She offered her car to her brother. He said he would think about it. “Let me think about it,” he said. She called him up a week later. “Do you want my car for free?” she asked. He said, “I’m thinking about it.” She asked, “How long do you have to think about it?” He said he didn’t know. “Let me think about it some more,” he said. She called up a charity. She said, “Do you want my car for free?” The man at the charity said yes. She asked, “You don’t have to think about it?” He said, “No, I don’t have to think about it. Who has to think about a free car?” He picked up her car the next day.

Read this and write about it. What happened? What do you think about it? If this happened to you, what would you do?


situps = crunches
eg. I can do 100 crunches

i looked it up / i checked in the dictionary
eg. I looked the word up online

sb makes fun of him = sb laughs at him
eg. Steve cannot remember the last time sb made fun of him
eg2. Steve was never made fun of

self-esteem – how confident and how good you feel about yourself
eg. people will low self esteem think they are not very good / smart / good looking

energy – neng liang
eg. I don’t have any energy

he is attractive < > he is unattractive

unattractive = ugly = not good looking – “a different word for unattractive is ugly”
attractive = beautiful / pretty / good looking

Write in your own words, what do you think about John.

it is very common = pu tong de
eg. drinking tea in China is very common

how’s it goin? / how you doin? 

accompany – spend time with
eg. I spend time with my wife on the weekend
eg2. my friends are visiting Dubai so I spent time with them / I took my friends around the city / I showed my friends around

I lose weight < > i gain / put on weight
eg. if I drink beer I will gain weight

quality – zhi liang
eg. starbucks is really good quality

COVID = corona virus

metal – jin shu

raise < > lower
eg. Jesse raised the phone, and then lowered

empty (v / adj)
eg. I emptied the cup into my mouth


i take my friends went to dubai mall I took my friends to dubai mall

discuss sth with sb 
eg. I never discussed it with him

he lost weight successfully
I run quickly 

Speaking exercise

I think it’s important to do sports because we will get a good body and we can get more healthy. We can have a better life.

I think it’s important to do sports because / as / since we may get a good body which can make us more healthy and happy and we can have a better life.


John exercised every day. He lifted weights. He ran on the track. He rode his bicycle everywhere. He did pull-ups and push-ups. He did sit-ups and crunches. He loved being in shape. It felt great. He felt powerful. He felt fast. He felt attractive. It made him feel confident. People complimented his appearance. “Look at those muscles,” people said to him. “Thank you, I work out,” he replied. He wasn’t always in shape. He used to be fat. He did not like being fat. He was made fun of. He had a low self-esteem. He felt unattractive. His body felt tired and heavy. He had no energy. He knew he had to change. He looked in the mirror one day. He promised himself to lose weight. He stopped eating unhealthy food. He started moving around more. He went jogging at night. He bought a gym membership. He lost weight.

Jennifer pulled the trash can out to the street on Monday morning. Monday was trash day. The trash truck came to her house. The truck had a metal arm. The metal arm picked up the trash can. It raised the trash can into the sky. It emptied the trash can into the truck. Then the arm put the can back on the street. On Monday afternoon Jennifer walked out to the street. The trash can was empty. She pulled the trash can back into her yard. Next Monday she would pull it out to the street again.