Online Class Notes (Jesse) [R]


Go to seathome:

and read the beginner articles and copy the pronunciation


various – vair ree yus
variety – var rai yet tee

minus – mai nus 

lamb – lam

sheep – ee
ship – i 

smile – eye (two sounds)
smell – eh (one sound)

hygene – hai jeen 

still – i
steal – ee

man – a 
main – ay 

radio – rayy dee yo

loud – lahh oooo d


middle of nowhere 

do campingcamp / go camping
go traveling
go shopping
go fishing
go running
go walking 

at risk / in jeopardy 

off the beaten track / path 

if I could go back in time 

get a forest fire start / trigger / make / create / cause a forest fire

rip / peel – the action you use to turn on the heat pack
eg. I peeled the sticker off the package

they have sth specialised for handstailored for / specifically for hands

extremities = hands / feet
eg. my extremities got really cold so I used the heat pack

they can run over the grassland – roam free / roam around / graze the pasture
eg. the herd of sheep graze the pasture

do some researchings / researchers – do some research / get some knowledge / have some experience 

researcher = person

spay / desex / neuter – surgery to prevent an animal from having babies


Brent was at the stop light. His car radio was on. The music was very loud. Brent liked to listen to loud music in his car. A police car pulled up next to Brent. The policeman looked at Brent. He shouted, “Pull over to the side of the road.†Brent said, “What?†The policeman said, “Pull over to the side of the road.†Brent pulled over to the side of the road. The policeman said, “Do you know why I am giving you a ticket?†Brent said, “You are giving me a ticket? Why are you giving me a ticket?†The policeman said, “Because your radio is too loud.â€