Online Class Notes (Jesse)


it has a good reputation – it got good reviews (tv shows / movies)

based on a book

genre – 类型 – “zhhhon ra / jonre”
eg. the genre of this movie is action / drama / romance 

another one / the other one
eg. another = 1 more (there are others except this one)
eg2. the other one = there’s only 1 left / remaining

bully – a person who qi fu others
eg. he’s a bully and he bullies everyone else

against all odds – the chances of achieving something was really low because of the situation
eg. I achieved it against all odds

strict – xiong
eg. my teacher is really strict with homework
rude – bu li mao
eg. that kid is very rude because he eats loudly

he is strict with her and beats her violently 

If I were her I would / If I were _____ I would
It’s hard to believe how / why – amazed / shocked

on paper – to look good on paper means how you seem based on your experience / education / statistics / numbers
eg. he looks good on paper but I want to marry for love, not based on anything else


to making shoes –

I should be able to choose the man who I want to spend the rest of my life with

in turntake it in turns going back to the office


naples – “nay plz” 

pursue – per syou
persuade – per swayd