Online Class Notes (Jesse)


A: Find an article online about initiative / innovation – write about it and highlight any vocabulary in the article that you don’t know or can’t use (you can use a dictionary to look them up too if you like).


B: use the vocabulary from today in some writing about a related topic.


helped my company sell some stocks – assisted / I was part of an initiative / I led an initiative 

initiative – take action / be creative
initiative = project
initiative = skill
eg. being able to complete this project with such high profits took a lot of initiative (creativity / proactiveness)
eg. coming up with ideas to improve processes takes initiative (creativity / proactiveness)
eg. this initiative (project) is part of a wider effort to improve our systems and processes

profit / returns – $ from selling stocks

on the other hand – to talk about 2 opposing things
eg. I could go out shopping today.. but on the other hand, it’s raining so maybe I should stay home

as well as this / besides this = plus

i wrote a plan / makeI compiled / put together / created / assembled 

incentives – sth to motivate others to do sth in a positive way

stock options

it’s creative – innovative (new idea)
eg. ipod was a very innovative product many years ago. The project to launch it was an initiative led by Steve Jobs. He was a very innovative person. He showed initiative to change the old mp3 players and create a totally new style of mp3 player.

permanent registered residence / resident – hu kou
eg. My permanent registered residence is in beijing

2nd rate citizen – “low” people with a social class system

heirarchy – levels of people – “hai rar kee”

welfare / government benefits
eg. I’m on welfare
eg2. this is part of our welfare system

university entrance exam – gao kao

HSC – High School Certificate exam 
Scholastic Assessment Test (SAT)

the soviet union – the old Russian group of countries
eg. those ideas come from the old soviet union communist regime