Online Class Notes (Jesse)

Next Class Focus

From page 68 next time

Needs more review

quality – zhi liang
eg. the quality of apple phones is very good
eg2. the quality of Selene’s jacket is very good

rake – sth like a broom you use to move leaves around


noon – 12:00 PM

transportation – train, bus, car, boat, bike – something to go places

willing – you can do / are happy to do / will do

desperate – really urgent / something you need to do RIGHT NOW!!

radio – “ray dee yo”

operated – to use sth

lousy – really bad

service – fu wu

i got paid – to get money – “payyyd”


if i am mr bean i will pick up the ball – If I was Mr Bean I would pick up the ball

Speaking exercise

Mr Bean finally went on the steps but the steps suddenly broken so Mr Bean jump up in front the door then he think a little while will he really go in, then he thinks for 1 minute and goes in. Inside the spooky house is a hall which is covered with cobwebs / spiderwebs. Following that, Mr Bean is a little bit scared again. Following that Mr Bean looks everywhere. Next he called out “anyone?” then an echo come out – anyone anyone said the echo, but Mr Bean still can’t find that people so Mr Bean went inside that door. He stepped inside a died bear, but it’s actually a fake. Mr Bean was shocked but he looked at it was a fake one so he carefully stepped over into the door. Mr Bean saw theres a lot of statues inside the room but only one of them was alive. Following that, Mr Bean tries to touch the cat but the cat was shocked then he jump down and grab Mr Bean’s teddy, then he ran away to a new room but that room didn’t have floor, it only has wooden beams. Then, Mr Bean opened the door, then he closely stepped inside the holes between the wooden beams. Following that the cat was running to the other side of the room, then Mr Bean stand back to the outside of the door, then he said “kitty kitty” but the can still didn’t come, so Mr Bean said “hmph!”

Mr Bean finally goes onto the steps but the steps suddenly broke so Mr Bean jumps up in front of the door then he thinks for a little while “will he really go in?”, then he thinks for 1 minute more and goes in the spooky house which is a hall covered with cobwebs / spiderwebs. Following that, Mr Bean is a little bit scared again. Next he looks everywhere and he calls out “anyone?” and then he hears an echo. The echo sounds like “anyone anyone anyone?” says the echo, but Mr Bean still can’t find the person who says “anyone?” but Mr bean doesn’t know it’s actually an echo. So he goes through a door. He steps on a dead bear, but it’s actually a fake one. Mr Bean is shocked but he looks at it and was a fake one so he carefully steps over into the door. Mr Bean saw theres a lot of animal statues inside the room but only the cat statue was alive because it is a real cat. Following that, Mr Bean tries to touch the cat but the cat was shocked then he jumps down and grabs Mr Bean’s teddy, then he runs away to a new room but that room didn’t have a floor, it only has wooden beams. Then, Mr Bean opens the door, then he almost steps inside the gaps between the wooden beams. Following that the cat was running to the other side of the room, then Mr Bean stands back to the outside of the door, then he says “kitty kitty” but the can still didn’t come, so Mr Bean said “hmph!”