Online Class Notes (Jesse)

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Speaking exercise

When Mr Bean sees the icecream man come back to the car he tries to open the door but he can’t open the door because he doesn’t have the key. The icecream man back to his car so Mr Bean hides in a box. The ice cream man sees his ice cream machine is empty so he drives the car to the factory to add the ice cream in the ice cream machine. Because the ice cream man goes to add the ice cream on the ice cream machine so Mr Bean gets out from the box, and he sees many ice cream in the box but the ice cream man gets the machine back to the car so Mr Bean just hides again and then the ice cream man sees there is no chocolate left so he goes to the factory again to took some chocolates.

When Mr Bean sees the icecream man come back to the car he tries to open the door but he can’t open the door because he doesn’t have the key. The icecream man comes back to his car so Mr Bean hides in a box. The ice cream man sees his ice cream machine is empty so he drives the car to the factory to get more the ice cream for the ice cream machine. Because The ice cream man goes to get more ice cream for the ice cream machine so Mr Bean gets out from the box, and he sees a lot of ice cream in the box but the ice cream man gets the machine and comes back to the car so Mr Bean just hides again. The ice cream man sees there is no chocolate left so he goes to the factory again to take some chocolates.



eg. I pull the lever to open the door

eg. Mr Bean squirts the topping at the man

drips – di
eg. the ice cream drips because it is melting

eg. Mr Bean is on the roof of the truck

climb / slide
eg. he climbs on the ice cream cone and slides down

eg. he lands on the ground so his feet hurt

eg. Mr Bean runs around the corner to hide from the man

through / across
eg. He runs across the park to get away from the man

eg. Mr Bean leaves lots of notes  and coins in the cash register

knock on the door

eat / ate / eaten
take / took / taken

because I have ice cream so I am happy
because I have ice cream I am happy
I have ice cream so I am happy