Online Class Notes (Jesse)

Writing exercise

During the long vocation of Spring festival, I stayed at home and put my personal things in order. And this made me surprised due to it woke up lots of my memories. I found some old pictures which shot in childhood, also some letters which were written by my schoolmates. However, the most exciting things was that I found many postcards which were sent by my friends when they were travelled around the world, and to me, this was a symbol of friendship as your friend would miss you no matter where they were. But nowadays, the habit of mailing postcards has faded out and instead of using by email and social media. I miss the generation of postcard very much as it is fun and romantic, also you could share the happiness with your friends and enjoy sceneries. I decided that from now on, I will resume sending postcards to my close friends during the journey, continue the tradition of postcards, and share the moments of my journey.

During the long vacation of Spring festival, I stayed at home and tidied up and I came across a lot of old things of mine which surprised me due to the fact that it woke up lots of my memories / and let me reminisce. I found some old pictures which were shot in / during my childhood, also some letters which were written by my schoolmates. However, the most exciting thing was that I found many postcards which were sent by my friends when they were traveling around the world, and to me, this was a symbol of friendship as your friend would miss you no matter where they were. But nowadays, the habit of mailing postcards has faded out and instead of using / by email or social media. I miss the generation of postcards very much as it is fun and romantic, and also you could share the happiness and scenery with your friends. I decided that from now on, I will resume sending postcards to my close friends during the journeys, and continue the tradition of postcards, to share the moments of my journeys.


vocation – work
vacation – not work / holiday

according to chinese traditions
eg. according to chinese traditions the year of the ox has a lucky animal which is the rat

put my personal things in order – say this when you’re organising your life things before you die

reminisce – to think about, feel, talk about your past experiences
eg. me and Jesse reminisced about our childhoods

will – a document that organises your money and assets after you die

action shot
eg. my friend took an action shot of me

i didn’t know he was shooting me – using a camera to take a photo of me

objective – target / sth you plan to do

busy time peak time / peak season 


I am traveling
I was traveling
I have been traveling – now, started in the past
I had been traveling
eg. In 2015 I had been living in China for 5 years, but now I have been living there for 10 years.