Online Class Notes (Jesse)


egypt – “ee jipt” – a country in the middle east (zhong dong)

a thermometer can measure the temperature 

as / since = because

it’s on line 13


Speaking exercise

The man put the ladder to another place nd Mr Bean was too scared that he slide down the ladder. His hands were red and he blows his hands and he shakes his hands. He sees a rope up the truck and he has an idea – he will go up to the stairs and tie the rope onto the window and he will climb up the rope and get the ball down. He get the rope and go up the stairs and tie the rope onto the bed and tie the rope onto him and he climb up out the window and he will fall to the place where the boy and the man plays the tennis.

The man moves the ladder to another place and Mr Bean is too scared that he slides down the ladder. His hands are red and he blows on his hands and he shakes his hands. He sees a rope on top of the truck and he has an idea – he will go up to the stairs and tie the rope onto the window and he will climb up the rope and get the ball down. He gets the rope and goes up the stairs and ties it onto the bed and ties it onto himself and he climbs up out the window and he will fall to the place where the boy and the man (where they play) play the tennis.