Online Class Notes (Jesse)


Use some of the vocabulary from today in some writing. Choose a topic that lets you use the words we learned.

think of a funny story like the one I said! 😀


you’re hot / you’re so sexy / you’re handsome 

i’m into you / i like like you 

I like to do it = i like
I would like to do it = i want 

madam – “maadmm” / “maam” – female
sir – male

trusting – it is easy for you to trust others
trustworthy – you can trust sb

i looked up a lot of schools on dianping

chain (like a franchise)
eg. Wall Street are a chain of English training studios
eg2. MCD is a fast food chain / is a restaurant chain / is a chain of restaurants

result / effect

Assembly line – like a factory
eg. They treat you like you’re on an assembly line

the moment you pay, they stop caring about you

they get commission based on your fees 

Cosmetics surgery / plastic surgery

botox – “bow tox”

internet celebrity – wang hong

single eyelid 

dreadlocks – zang bian


they look the same

they are in the fashion industry

how to sayhow do you say…?


Two women who were the alleged (“ah lejd”) victims of a shocking assault (someone hurt them) in an Adelaide shop on Friday have hit back (to argue against sth) at what they say are attempts by their former employer to distance themselves from the attack. (theeattack)

In a statement issued publicly on social media through their representatives (“reh preh zen tah tivz”) at the Working Women’s Centre, the women – who do not wish their names to be made public – offer their side (tell their opinion / memory) of the circumstances leading up to (before) the assault that was caught on video (recorded) and shared widely (posted) on the internet (online).

In the statement, the women, aged 20 and 22, say they worked as employees of the shop for five months and three weeks respectively (the first number is for the first one mention, and the 2nd is for the 2nd), where they claim they were paid $10 and $12 an hour each.

They say an argument began when they confronted (they went to talk to him about it) their employer about alleged unpaid wages.

They allege (say / claim) a man who is a friend of the owner carried out the assault. In the statement, the women say the man had been visiting the establishment with his family prior (before / in advance) to the incident, and had been given free drinks and desserts by the owner.