Online Class Notes (Jesse)

Writing exercise

But the goose said to him, you can jump, ran, stroll, eat, root up everything. The world is a wonderful place when you’re young, and Wilbur jumped in the air and twirled, then he ran, dug, plowed and to root through the orchard, before anyone noticed him was outside his pen.
Mrs Zuckerman was the first to see him and shouted to Homer and Lurvy, she said Pig’s out, he’s under apple three, and she cried again, Homer, Luvry pig´s out, And Wilbur though, now the trouble starts. The goose noticed to they yelled too and said to Wilbur, run run downhill and go to the woods, they will never catch you. The dog, a cocker spaniel heard the commotion and he wanted to join the chase too. Wilbur saw all people want to catch him and he is not sure if the woods was the best place to scape, because he never was there, the woods seemed long way off.

But the goose said to him, you can jump, run, stroll, eat, uproot everything. The world is a wonderful place when you’re young, and Wilbur jumped in the air and twirled, then he ran, dug, plowed and shot through the orchard, before anyone noticed him was outside his pen.
Mrs Zuckerman was the first to see him and shouted to Homer and Luvry, she said the Pig’s out, he’s under the apple tree, and she cried again, Homer, Luvry the pig´s out, And Wilbur thought, “now the trouble starts”. The goose noticed to they yelled too and said to Wilbur, run run downhill and go to the woods, they will never catch you. The dog, a cocker spaniel, heard the commotion / noise / ruckus / loud sounds / hulabaloo and he wanted to join the chase too. Wilbur saw everyone wanted to catch him and he was not sure if the woods were the best place to escape, because he had never been there before, so the woods seemed a long way off / very far away.


approach / walk to him / go up to him
eg. Mr Zuckerman walked up to Wilbur he was holding a pail of snacks

dazed – confused / dizzy
eg. Wilbur was really dazed from the whole crazy experience

giving him directions
eg. all the animals on the farm were giving him directions at the same time / calling directions to him all at once.

dig with his nose / tunnel with his nose
eg. he was tunneling under the ground with his snout, trying to hide from the people

all peopleeveryone / everybody 

stroll = slowly walk
stroller = pram / baby’s carriage
eg. Me and my husband went for a stroll on the beach

twirl / whirl / swirl / curl / hurl 

plant some seeds in the soil and you need to use a plow 

my muscles ache / are sore because I did too much yoga recently

i propose to my husband (sounds like “will you marry me?”)  / I suggested to my husband that we do exercise every day

i accompany my husband / i go with my husband to do sth 

cycling / riding bikes
eg. I want to go to ride a bike / go riding / go cycling with my husband

elbow – the bone in the middle of your arm

normally the pain passes with time / gets less with time 

bruise – purple spot on your body

calf – the bottom part of your leg
eg. I had lots of bruises on my calves.