Online Class Notes (Jesse)


Use some of the words from today to write about the Mr Bean video. Focus on: “s” or no “s” for verbs + making long sentences using and / but / so / because / when

Speaking exercise

Not corrected

I wake up at 7:40 and I brush my teeth and eat my breakfast and then I go to school. It taste good and I use 3 minutes to eat the dumpling.

Mr Bean found a puzzle. It did not fit. After that he found a lego. It didn’t fit. And then he found a toy tri and he use a saw to cut the tri horn to be a fake tooth. He went to see the dentist to pull the tooth sticked onto his finger. He pushed the doorbell and the nurse open the door and he came in. When he came in, all the patient were frieghtened. And he went to see Dr Fangpuller. After that he see a thing. It looked like a ghost. He was to scaryed that he pass out.

Mr Bean found a puzzle but it did not fit. After that he found some lego but / and it didn’t fit. And then he found a toy tri and he used a saw to cut the tri horn to be a fake tooth. He went to see the dentist to pull the tooth which was stuck onto his finger. He pushed the doorbell and the nurse opened the door and he came in. When he came in, all the patients were frieghtened. And he went to see Dr Fangpuller. After that he sees a thing which / that looked like a ghost. He was too scared that he passed out.

Needs more review

I / you / we / they – see (no ‘s’)
he / she / it / name – sees (yes ‘s’)


go / went
come / came



I want to go
I am too sad (very very)
I want to go too (also)


dentist drill


whistle / whistling sound
