Online Class Notes (Jesse)

Writing exercise

Recently I’m learning time management skill by reading books and last Sat,I deliveried a talk in a wetchat group,the topic is how to set a new year goal and realize it.The topic was so popular that it attracted a lot of netizen to join me and talk about together.The methord is very simple, there are three steps to do it:
The first step is to choose a suitable and available one, secondly, to devote your goal into every month, then to every week, to every day.Lastly, choose a gift you desired for long time,if you realize your goal, buy it for celerbrating your completing the goal.
For my goal last year, I set my goal of reading 100 books,that means I should read 8 or 9 books every month,1 or 2books every week, as my calculation, I read a book for 4 hours ,that means I should spend 1-2 hours a day on reading.I read books online,the website give me a final report on Jan 1st, actually I finished reading 148 books last year, and furthermore, gave comments on 200 books.That shocked me a lot.I think it’s a good way to recommend to everyone else.That’s why I delivery the talk.

How to use the following words correctly?
slip,devote, seperate, consist,etc.
We planned to ship products A(A=B+C) , but finally A was seperated departly into C due to only B was shipped on time.So the order of A should be updated, it will be slipped into order B and order C.

Recently, I have been learning time management skill by reading books and as part of that / and after learning so much about the topic, last Sat,I delivered a talk in a wechat group, and the topic is (standard) / with the topic being (advanced) how to set a new year’s resolution / goal for the new year and realize it. The topic was so popular that it attracted a lot of people to join me and talk about it together. The method is very simple, with only three steps to do it:
The first step is to choose a suitable and achievable one. The second step is to divide your goal into small pieces / more achievable pieces starting with months, then weeks and finally days. Lastly, choose a gift you have desired / have been wanting for a long time, and then if you realize your goal, buy it to celebrate your completion of the goal.
For my goal last year, I set my goal of reading 100 books, which means I should read 8 or 9 books every month, 1 or 2 books every week. As my calculation, it takes me 4 hours to read a book in full / it takes 4 hours for me to complete a book / to finish reading a book, which means I should spend 1-2 hours a day on reading. I read books online, and the website gave me a final report on Jan 1st, which reported that I finished reading 148 books last year, and gave reviews on 200 books which shocked me a lot.

So after this experience, I realised that it is a great way to help people achieve their goals and I decided to give the talk.

How to use the following words correctly?
split, divide, separate, consist, comprise etc.
We planned to ship products A(A=B+C) , but finally A was split into 2 shipments, C and B, with only B being shipped on time. So the order of A should be updated, and will be split into order B and order C.


prologue – the part before a book
epilogue – the part after a book

in reality / in actuality

you gotta take the good with the bad 


they pay the writing – they pay for the writing

I devote sth to sth 
eg. I devote myself to my relationship