Online Class Notes (Jesse)

Writing exercise

Last week, the headlines in the world’s major media is: Trump‘s supporters rushed into the U.S. Congress to reject the latest presidential election results. In retrospect, the last time the U.S. Congress was occupied was 200 years ago, therefore it shocked the world. Meanwhile, Twitter, Facebook and Instagram announced that they would terminated Trump’s account until Jan. 24, because they thought that Trump released the unsuitable message to public and incite the violence.
The whole thing was ridiculous to the world as we knew that the USA government had acted as a global policeman and promoted democracy, freedom and fairness. But this time, from the beginning of the election, we had heard and seen a lot of the opposite and found that some of them come from inflated individualism and interest groups, that was the reason why a world-famous presidential election finally turned into a farce and tragedy.

Last week, the headlines across / throughout the world’s major media were: Trump‘s supporters rushed into the U.S. Congress to reject the latest presidential election results. In retrospect, the last time the U.S. Congress was occupied was 200 years ago, therefore it / which shocked the world. Meanwhile, Twitter, Facebook and Instagram announced that they would terminated Trump’s account until Jan. 24, because they thought that Trump released the unsuitable message to the public and incited the violence.
The whole thing was ridiculous to the world as we knew that the USA / US government had acted as a global policeman and promoted democracy, freedom and fairness. But this time, from the beginning of the election, we started to hear and see a lot of the opposite and found that some of them come from inflated individualism and interest groups, and that was the reason why a world-famous presidential election finally turned into a farce and tragedy.


it is the coldest day since they moved to SH

radiator heater – “wall heater”

floor heating 

it’s very humid / the humidity is high 

the sunshine is heavystrong / intense 

they don’t agree him anymore – they don’t support him anymore

bots – “robots” online that are controlled by code / programming
eg. there are many bots online that are spreading fake news

health QR code / health QR 

contact tracing

we register when (the time that) we go to work and when we are off

socialism (n) / socialist (adj) – the idea of universal health care, universal income / 社会主义;社会主义社会