Online Class Notes (Jesse)


bludge – to slack off

bludger – a person who always uses others, and is lazy

it’s predictable – obvious / easy to know

this will have a reflection on the stock pricethis will be reflected in the stock price fluctuations 

box office smash / hit

i don’t want to give you any spoilers / I don’t want to spoil it for you

mature animated film

i can lay out the options in front of me – to think of all the choices you have and decide

the movies / cinema / theater
eg. I went to the movies to see it

live feed (moment)
eg. I turned off my live moments feed on wechat

the information is here and thereinconsistent / all over the place / scattered around 

focus on my shortcomings / weaknesses

rigid way of evaluating people – inflexible / not flexible

the economy has been rapidly growing

overnight celebrity
internet celebrity – wang hong

discern good from bad – to be able to decide and know the good from the bad

below par / pretty average / mediocre
garbage / trash (strongest)

retain knowledge


my friends, for those that I really care about