Online Class Notes (Jesse)


Watch the video and write using the words from today. Add as many details as you can.

Speaking exercise

Mr Bean went to the fridge to get something and breaking the ice with the fork because he want some ice to make his tooth not toothache.. The fork break. He use a … to put the ice on his mouth. He went to bed and he fast asleep, and the ice melted and the water went into the cup and the water froze. He feels toothache again. His tooth hurts again because the bread is too hard.

Mr Bean went to the fridge to get something and broke the ice with the fork because he wanted some ice to make his tooth not hurt. The fork broke. He used a bandage to put the ice on his mouth. He went to bed and he was / fell fast asleep, and the ice melted and the water went / dripped into the cup and the water froze. He felt his tooth hurts / he has a toothache again. His tooth hurts again because the bread was too hard.

Not corrected

At christmas I got a gun and a puzzle and some books. I like them all.


melt – ice goes to water

toast – cooked bread

toaster – something to cook bread with


string – thin
rope – thick

reflection – look in the mirror / water

measuring tape 


