Online Class Notes (Jesse)


Read the first few pages of charlotte’s web and discuss next class. Practice the connection pronunciation and any words or sentences you don’t understand, we will talk about them next class.


dynasty – chao dai
eg. I want to visit the tang dynasty

multicultural – many different cultures / people from different countries in 1 place
eg. Australia is a very multicultural country

status / position in society
eg. during the Tang Dynasty, women’s status in society was really high / strong

empress (female) / actress (female)
emporer (male) / actor (male)

coordination – 2 things working together to do 1 thing 
eg. my coordination is really good – my eyes and brain and body work together very well (i’m good at sport / computer games)

it takes a lot of practice
eg. to be good at computer games takes a lot of practice

badminton – yu mao qiu
eg. Lily is good at badminton

tennis – wan qiu
eg. Lily is not good at tennis 🙁

a can of coke / a tin can coke 
a bottle of coke

his wife just had a baby / he’s on paternity leave

he will take leave – qing jia

the company gives us time off / a holiday / a vacation / paid leave 

roll out / launch – tui chu
eg. we will launch a new project next year
eg2. this product will roll out next month


i play it very poorly / I’m not good at it

i hit the ball out of the court / I hit the ball too hard 

he’s kind to me – the way he treats you


paternity – pat TER nit tee (father)
maternity – mat TER nit tee (mother)