Online Class Notes (Jesse)


Read about each train in season 2 and write something interesting about them – introduce each train to me. What is the most interesting thing they have done in the show?

Next Class Focus

start watching season 2 videos: robot trains


Duke is more powerful than Kay

Kay is not as powerful as Duke

I throw a ball to you = I want to give it to you
I throw a ball at you = I want to hit you with the ball

I don’t very know about them – I don’t really know about them


snowplow – a machine / truck you can use to push snow out of the way

cooperate – work together
eg. The trains cooperate to try to stop Duke

Speaking exercise

Duke runs towards Jeffery and hits him, and Jeffery hits the fountain, then Selly is a little bit scared and next Duke says Delta Board and he steps on it. He slides the board to Selly then Selly accidentally steps on it and fell down. Next, Becky come out and said “becky beck” but Dude didn’t say anything, he just said “Duck give Kay to me”. Duck said “I’ll never give Kay to you Duke”. Selly bumped Duke but Duke just use his hands to hit her and Selly falls down again. And Becky said “Becky, Becky” – next Duke said “give Kay to me”, the Duck said “No!”. After that Duck shoots smoke to Duke but that’s no use because smoke is too easy to let Duke get away. Instead I think he should shoot a bunch of smoke lots of times and maybe there’s very much smoke, and Duck could carry Kay and run away. Duke just wants to punch Duck but Kay suddenly sstands up and block him and next Kay look at Jeffery then look at Selly and said “I wouldn’t let you get away with this”. Then Kay kicks Duke.

Duke runs towards Jeffery and hits him. Next / And then / After that, Jeffery hits the fountain, then Selly is a little bit scared of Duke and next Duke says Delta Board and he steps on it. He slides the board at Selly and Selly accidentally steps on it and falls down / trips over it. Next, Becky comes out and says “becky becky” but Duke doesn’t reply anything to Becky. He just says to Duck “Duck give Kay to me”. Duck says “I’ll never give Kay to you Duke!!!”. Selly tries to bump into / Selly charges at Duke but Duke just use his hands to hits her and Selly falls down again. And Becky says again “Becky, Becky, Becky, Becky!” – next Duke says “give Kay to me”, and the Duck says “No!”. After that Duck shoots smoke at Duke but that’s no use because / as / since smoke is not even hard / a solid so Duke can get away / easily escape. Instead I think he should shoot lots of smoke then Duck could carry Kay and run away. Then, Duke just punches Duck but Kay suddenly stands up and blocks him / all of a sudden and next Kay looks at Jeffery then looks at Selly and says “I wouldn’t let you get away with this”. Then, Kay kicks Duke.