Online Class Notes (Jesse)


Use some of the vocabulary from today in some writing. Choose a topic that lets you use the words we learned.


I refused herI turned her down 

encourage / motivate me – “jia you”

intensive – really strong
eg. my boss said this job will be very intensive

receptionist – the girl at the front desk
eg. I will manage a receptionist

at the very start / right at the start / at the very beginning 

it’ll look good on your resume / CV
eg. if you do this manager job it’ll look good on your CV

create – manufacture a product
eg. his friend manfuctures products

stubborn – gu zhi
eg. he is very stubborn

I’m bored – my feeling
I’m boring – I am a boring person – I make others feel bored

most of the money – 大部分
most of the time 

bankrupt – when a company has no money so they must close
eg. my dad’s friend’s company will go bankrupt / they are bankrupt

buy low and sell high / trading company (mao yi) 
eg. they buy low and sell high


1 people1 person

I don’t have enough ability I don’t have enough skills / I’m not good enough / I need to improve myself / I need to develop my skills 

I don’t know what about her thought I don’t know what she’s thinking