Online Class Notes (Jesse)


Watch the video and do the reading pronunciation – connection!


I took a vacation

move – to change to a different house / office
eg. we will move tomorrow

shocking – makes you surprised / scared

November – 11
December – 12

we’re short staffed – don’t have many / don’t have enough employees

I feel I won’t be able to finish all the tasks on time / in time / before the scheduled time
I feel I won’t be able to follow the schedule 

i’ll speak up – speak louder

again and again / over and over 


only 2 months I must finish all tasks I must finish all the taks in only 2 months / I only have 2 months to finish all the tasks


Lois has a headache. The headache started one hour ago. She doesn’t know why she has a headache. She never gets headaches. She never gets sick. Lois is a healthy woman. Where did her headache come from? Was it something she yate? Was it something she drank? She doesn’t know. She wants her headache to go waway. She does not like to take medicine. But her head-hurts so much. She went into her bathroom. She yopened the medicine cabinet. She found some aspirin. She took two aspirin with a glass of water. Maybe the aspirin will help her headache go waway.

to = teh

but = bud